Aug 18 2010

Registrations Offline, Shopping Online

Moving Registrations Offline

BiCon is nearly here, and as part of our preparations we're closing online registrations at the end of Friday the 20th of August. This will allow us to make sure the list of people who've pre-paid doesn't increase after we've printed it out!

You will still be able to register in person at BiCon (for the whole weekend or just the day!) simply by coming along to BiCon and paying on the day, cash sterling only. Day tickets start at just £10.

Be Prepared!

If you're staying on-site at BiCon, you should by now know which flat you're staying in. If not, please email Some enterprising BiCon attendees have reported to us that they've successfully ordered an online supermarket delivery (with Ocado) based on this information, and we thought this was such a good idea we'd pass it on to you! We're using two of the accommodation blocks – Shepherd (3 University Way, London E16 2GB) and Templars (1 University Way, London E16 2GA), if you want to try it with any of the supermarkets that offer delivery services.


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